For most of us every NYE is is such a big event: its like a new slate, the entire 365 chances of acquiring and cementing good habits, awesome results and meaningful progress.
Every year we spend time planning and strategizing of what we want to achieve.
Yet lets think back to the beginning of 2020 - with all the planning and preparations, we had no idea of what was going to happen!
Each and every year our lives take us in the direction we never could have imagined.
So as we start this year, let us stay OPEN and embrace what life has in store for us as it comes. When we are too rigid with our thinking and our planning - we might miss out on a beauty of a chance encounter, unplanned path that could lead us to realization of something beautiful.
What plot twists awaits you this year? A new friend, unforeseen opportunity, or an idea that might arrive and change EVERYTHING?…
While it is perfectly fine to have plans and goals, we always want to keep our mind open to what life presents us. As each day comes to a close, let us remind ourselves that we will never get it back - therefore let us enjoy every moment of it. Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone healthy and prosperous 2021!